Digital jungle

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Biosphäre Potsdam is currently closed to visitors. In order to experience a small tropical highlight at home, we offer you varied digital jungle experiences:


360° view of the tropical world

Sie waren noch nie in der Tropenhalle und fragen sich, wie der Potsdamer Dschungel wohl aussieht? Kein Problem erhalten Sie einen 360° Rundumblick in die Biosphäre Potsdam.

Coloring pages of the Biosphäre inhabitants

Are you looking for a little exotic highlight for your home? We are now bringing the inhabitants of the Biosphäre Potsdam into your living room.

To make this happen, however, you are also required!

We provide coloring pages for a total of six of the exotic species native to the Biosphäre Potsdam. To bring the tropical animals into your home, all you have to do is download them, print them out and, of course, color them to your taste. We are happy if you share the resulting artworks on Facebook and Instagram. Ideally under the hashtag #biosphaerepotsdam. We share the best results on our social media channels!

Coloring pages for download:

Clown fish
Malachite butterfly
Red-eyed tree frog
Powderblue surgeonfish

Jungle Picture Puzzle

Something is wrong in this picture! Find the twelve things that don't belong in the tropical rainforest.

News from the Biopshäre Potsdam

Discover about the Biosphäre Potsdam regularly and share your impressions using the hashtag #biosphaerepotsdam